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The enduring value of an analogue technology


When paper beats the screen


Dec 15th 2022

✍ Notes:



digital 表示“(用一串分别代表信号正负的数字1和0来记录或存储信息)数字的;(采用或与数字信号和计算机技术相关)数码的,数字的;(用电子影像显示信息)数字式的

与模拟技术(Analogue Technology)相对的是数字技术(Digital Technology)。

模拟技术与数字技术完全不同,模拟技术不涉及数字的任何电子表征。比如旧胶卷相机、盒式磁带录音机、指针手表等等都属于模拟技术的典型例子,与指针手表(analogue watch)相对的是电子手表(digital watch)。Analogue Technology 可以简单理解为传统技术。

➤beat表示“比…更好,赛过,胜过”,比如“Nothing beats being here”,表示“什么都比不上呆在这里”。

take some beating 表示“难以超越”[to be difficult to beat],比如体育新闻网站The Athletic中一篇关于突尼斯队对法国队的文章中写道:

➨France have looked really strong and will take some beating.


This is the digital age, and the advice to executives is clear. Managers need to have a digital mindset; the organisations they run must embrace digital transformation. If you don’t know what ChatGPT is, think of Dan Brown when you hear the word “code” or dislike the idea of working with a cobot, enjoy your retirement. So what present should you be getting the executive in your life this festive season? Answer: anything made of paper. Even if the recipient of your gift never uses it, it can still serve as a useful reminder of where the digital world’s limitations lie.


✍ Notes:

➤executive /ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/ 作名词,指“(公司或机构的)经理,主管领导,管理人员;行政领导,领导层”

➤mindset 作名词,表示“思维模式,观念模式,思维倾向”

➤transformation 作名词,表示“(彻底的)变化,改观,转变,改革”

➤ChatGPT 是2022年11月30日OpenAI(在美国成立的人工智能研究公司)发布的基于GPT-3.5开发的大型语言模型聊天机器人,可用于文本生成和语言翻译等自然语言处理任务。它具有超强的对话交互能力,能做出无异于人类的文本响应。不仅能够答疑解惑,还能编写、调试和解释代码,撰写简历和求职信,创作音乐和文章等等。

➤Dan Brown(丹·布朗)是畅销书《达·芬奇密码》(

The Da Vinci Code


➤cobot( Collaborative Robot)指“协作机器人”



➤festive /ˈfestɪv/ 表示“圣诞节的;节日的,喜庆的,欢乐的”

the festive season/period 圣诞节期间

season 除了表示“季节”,还可以表示“(一年中某项活动或某一事件发生的)节期,时期,旺季;(一年中时装、发型等的)流行期”

比如the holiday season可以表示“节假日期间,度假旺季”

the tourist season 旅游旺季

the recruiting season 招聘旺季

the football season 足球赛季

season 也可以表示“(水果、蔬菜等的)当令期,上市期”

in season 表示“当令的,在旺季的”

out of season 不合时令的,在淡季的;度假淡季,旅游淡季

➤recipient /rɪˈsɪpiənt/ 指“受方,接受者”



➤limitations 作名词,表示“(能力的)局限,局限性,不足之处”时通常用此复数形式

➨There is no better time than now to pursue your purpose and overcome your limitations.


Recent research underscores the enduring value of this ancient technology, whether in making decisions, enhancing productivity or winning over customers. Start with decision-making, and a study from Maferima Touré-Tillery of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and Lili Wang of Zhejiang University. In one part of their study, the researchers approached strangers and asked them to take a made-up survey. Half the respondents were given a pen and paper to fill out the form; the other half were handed an iPad. At the end of the exercise, respondents were asked if they wanted to give their email address to receive information on how to donate to a charity. Those who used paper were much likelier to provide their email addresses.


✍ Notes:

underscore /ˈʌndəskɔː(r)/ 作动词,表示“强调,突出,强化;划线于…下”

➨Low weekly jobless claims underscore U.S. labor market tightness.


——《路透社》December 23, 2022

claim 在此句中作名词,指“(尤指向公司、政府等)索款,索赔”

win over 表示“赢得…的支持,说服,把…争取过来;战胜”


➨Today’s harsh reality is that winning over the judges doesn’t necessarily win over the consumers.


approach 作动词,我们熟悉的意思是“接近,靠近”,在文中表示“(为提问、提要求等目的)与人交谈,找…商谈,接洽,要求”

➨He approached the lawyer for some advice.





➤respondent /rɪˈspɒndənt/ 作名词,指



➤fill out


填,填写(表格等)”, fill in 也可以表示“填写”

fill out 还可以表示“变大,膨胀;(因年龄增长而)发福,(很瘦的人)长胖”

➤hand 作动词,表示“递,交,给”

➤charity 作名词,



➤likelier 是likely的比较级,likely作形容词,表示“可能的,预料的,有希望的”,也可以表示“

合适的,恰当的”,比如a likely candidate可以表示“合适的人选”

The researchers also saw differences in behaviour when they showed Chinese university students an ad for a bookseller at the end of the survey, and then asked them to select some of the books that were being promoted. Those using paper to fill out the questionnaire chose more highbrow books on average than those using the tablet. The researchers speculate that people make more virtuous decisions on paper because it feels more consequential than a pixelated screen. When asked, paper-and-pen respondents were indeed more likely than iPad users to think their choices were more indicative of their characters. The nib is the nub.


✍ Notes:

➤bookseller 指“书商,售书者,图书公司”



➨The city is promoted as a summer resort.


questionaire 指“问卷,调查表”

highbrow 作形容词,表示“(书籍、讨论)高深难懂的,高雅的,学术性的”


tablet 指“平板电脑;药片,片剂;牌,碑,匾”

speculate 作动词,表示“推测,猜测,推断”

virtuous 作形容词,表示“品行端正的,道德高尚的,正直的;自命不凡的,自命清高的”

consequential 作形容词,表示“ 重要的,将产生重大结果的”也可以表示“随之而来的,相应发生的,作为结果的”,比如

redundancy and the consequential loss in productivity 裁员以及随之而来的生产力降低

pixelated 作形容词,表示“(图像)由像素构成的,像素化的;图像模糊的”



indicative 作形容词,表示“指示的,象征的,暗示的”

nib 指“(钢笔)笔尖”

nub 指“核心,中心,要点,实质”

Next, in the right circumstances paper can improve productivity. A study from Vicki Morwitz of Columbia Business School, Yanliu Huang of Drexel University and Zhen Yang of California State University, Fullerton, finds that paper calendars provoke different behaviours from digital calendars. Users of old-fashioned calendars made more detailed project plans than those looking at an app, and they were more likely to stick to those plans. Simple dimensions seem to count. The ability to see lots of days at once on a paper calendar matters, the researchers reckon; mobile-calendar users kept to their plans more if they used a “multi-day view” on their devices.


✍ Notes:

➤provoke 作动词,可以表示“激起,引起,引发”,也可以表示“挑衅,激怒,刺激”

➨He was provoked into doing something stupid by their words.


➤old-fashioned 表示“传统的,古典的;老式的,过时的,守旧的,保守的”

➤stick to sth 表示“坚持(诺言、协议、决定或原则等);遵守,遵循(规则)”

➤dimension /daɪˈmenʃn/ n. 方面,部分;范围,规模,程度;量度,尺寸,大小,面积;维(构成空间的因素)

➤count 作动词,表示“重要,有价值”

➨It's the thought that counts.



➤keep to sth 也表示“


Third, paper appeals to customers. In a study from 2017 researchers found that people assigned a greater value to the physical version of a product than its digital instantiation. Shoppers were willing to pay more for books and films they could hold than ones they could only download. Even the sight of someone handling something can help online sales, according to a study last year by Andrea Webb Luangrath of the University of Iowa and co-authors. They found that Instagram posts showing hands touching products like cups of coffee or smartphones got more likes than those that were not being pawed. Similarly, people browsing in a virtual-reality shop were more willing to buy a T-shirt if they saw their own simulated hand touch it.


✍ Notes:

appeal 作动词,在文中表示“有吸引力,有感染力,引起兴趣”,也可以作名词表示“吸引力,感染力,魅力”

➨The Spring Festival gala holds little appeal for many young people.


assign 作动词,表示“确定(价值、功能、时间、地点),赋予,给予(功能或价值)”

instantiation /ɪnˌstæn.ʃɪˈeɪ.ʃən/ 作名词,表示“实例化,用具体例子说明,例示”


➤sight 作名词,表示“看见,见到,目睹”时为不可数名词

➤handle 作动词, 表示“(用手)触,触摸,拿,搬动”

包装箱上“易碎品 小心轻放”的英语是“Fragile. Handle with care”

➤co-author 指“(书、戏剧或报告的)合著者”

➤post 作名词,表示“(发送到互联网的)帖子,信息,博文”,也可以表示“邮件,邮包,包裹;职位,要职”

➤paw 作动词,表示“摸弄,动手动脚;挠,抓”

➤similarly /ˈsɪmələli/ 作副词,表示“同样,也;相似地,类似地,差不多地”

➤simulated 表示“模拟的,仿真的,假装的,仿造的”

All of which helps explain why retail catalogues continue to thud onto doormats and jam mailboxes. In a new study Jonathan Zhang of Colorado State University confirmed previous findings that consumers who receive paper catalogues as well as emails spend more than those who receive only digital marketing. Mr Zhang also delved into when these catalogues work best—as it turns out, when they are selling pricier, less functional products, and targeting consumers who do more of their shopping offline.


✍ Notes:

catalogue 作名词,表示“目录,目录簿; (尤指坏事)一连串,一系列”

thud /θʌd/ 作动词,表示“(砰的一声)撞击,砰地落下;(心脏)怦怦地跳”

doormat 指“门口地垫,门口擦鞋垫”,在口语中也可以表示“受气包,逆来顺受的可怜虫”,比如《生活大爆炸》中佩妮说谢尔顿比她更需要莱纳德当室友时,莱纳德如是说:


mailbox 指“邮筒,信箱”

delve /delv/ 作动词,表示“探究,钻研,搜寻” ,比如《卫报》中一篇讲到“沉思有助于解决问题和提高创造力”的文章中写道:

➨Most people are more likely to let themselves be distracted than to delve into their own thoughts or just stare out the window.


➤turn out

证明是,结果是, 原来是


pricey /ˈpraɪsi/ 表示“价格高的,昂贵的”




➤offline 可以作副词,表示“线下地,未联网地,不在线地”

Technology can close the gap between paper and screen, but not entirely. Typing will never be as distinctive as handwriting. Doodling on a phone is just not as satisfying. And some of the attractions of the analogue become even clearer as digital technology becomes more pervasive and powerful. Catalogues do not have to be checked for viruses (however obsessively people wiped them down in the early days of covid-19). As machines get better at generating text, more exams and interview tests may be conducted with pen and paper, just to be sure. Mastery of digital technologies is vital. But a sense of touch, authenticity and humanity still matter—and not just on paper.


✍ Notes:

➤gap 表示“ 差距,分歧,隔阂”

the widening gap between the rich and the poor 越来越大的贫富差距

typing 作名词,表示“(使用电脑或打字机)打字,键入”

distinctive 表示“独特的,特别的,有特色的,与众不同的”

doodle /ˈduːdl/ 作动词,表示“乱涂,涂鸦,胡写乱画”

pervasive /pəˈveɪsɪv/ 表示“普遍的,遍布的,充斥各处的,弥漫的”

the pervasive influence of the past upon the present 过去对现在的影响无所不在

virus /ˈvaɪrəs/ 指“病毒”

obsessively 表示“过分地,着迷地,着魔似地”

wipe sth down(用抹布)擦拭,擦干净

➤generate 作动词,表示“产生,形成,创造”

➤conduct 作动词,表示“ 进行,组织,实施,处理”

➤mastery /ˈmæstəri/ 作名词,表示“熟练掌握,精通;统治,控制”

➤authenticity 表示“真实性,确实性,可靠性”

➤humanity 指“人性;人道,博爱,仁慈”


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